<p>"A compelling analysis of Germany."<br />—<i><b>The Economist</b></i></p> <p>"A blistering indictment of Germany's modern-day economic domination, by one of Germany's most distinguished intellectuals."<br />—<i><b>Daily Mail</b></i></p> <p>"A brilliant and succinct analysis of the political genius of Angela Merkel."<br />—<b>Charles Moore, <i>Sunday Telegraph</i></b></p> <p>"A short but punchy book by the distinguished German sociologist."<br />—<i><b>Prospect</b></i></p> <p>"A welcome tonic to reactionary discourses on the ills of Brussels."<br />—<i><b>Times Literary Supplement</b></i></p> <p>"Democracy won't be real in Europe until that kind of law has to be proposed, debated, and voted on by all concerned. Beck has moved us a small step closer to this highly desirable consummation, and to a unified political will in Europe, by getting his readers accustomed to thinking of a 'European Germany' rather than a 'German Europe'."<br />—<i><b>Los Angeles Review of Books</b></i></p> <p>"Diagnoses Europe's troubles with a realism and clarity that suggests a long and arduous road ahead."<br />—<i><b>Financial Times</b></i></p> <p>"A thought-provoking essay on the European economic crisis, recommended to all interested in this topic."<br />—<i><b>Journal of Global Faultlines</b></i></p> <p>"A brilliant analysis of Europe's shifting landscape of power."<br />—<b>Joschka Fischer, Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany, 1998-2005</b></p> <p>"An immensely incisive and encouraging book. Not only does it present an eye-opening outlook on Europe's crisis, it also offers a credible solution."<br />—<b>Daniel Cohn-Bendit, MEP and co-president of the Greens/Free European Alliance Group in the European Parliament</b></p> <p>"Ulrich Beck's <i>German Europe</i> is one of those rare and brilliant political tracts that offers us a new language with which to understand the present crisis so that we can shape the future."<br />—<b>Mary Kaldor, Professor of Global Governance, LSE</b></p>