A rigorous study. -- Anna Fifield Financial Times This book belongs on the list of required reading. -- Claudia Rosett New York Sun This is a haunting, exasperating, sobering look at an ongoing tragedy. -- Terry Hong The Bloomsbury Review The quality of analysis and prose is consistently high throughout. -- Brian Myers Acta Koreana A comprehensive and penetrating account. Swarthmore College Bulletin A readable, well-researched, and insightful analysis... Highly recommended. Choice Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid, and Reform offers a systematic bird's eye view of the fundamental causes and consequences of North Korea's famine. -- Chung Min Lee Asia Policy Backed by data treated with appropriate caution, Haggard and Noland cogently present the sad North Korean story... [An] impressive work. The Lancet Famine in North Korea is as good as the best of its genre. -- Raghav Gaiha Development and Change [An] essential book. -- Stephen Devereux Journal of Economic Literature This book will be of interest to those in the Korean studies field as well as among humanitarian and public policy circles -- Suzy Kim The Journal of Asian Studies