A pantheon of economic thinkers grapples with the problems facing Europe. No longer about East vs. West or even rich vs. aspiring, the issue now is whether all of Europe can stay (relatively) rich while it ages. As the authors make clear, for really dealing with this complex problem and all its facets, it's much later than you think. -- Simon Johnson, Sloan School of Management, MIT
Enlargement has irreversibly transformed the European Union and this must lead to a rethinking of its principles and policies. Åslund and Dąbrowski offer analyses, ideas and proposals that cover a wide range of issues. This is a most welcome contribution to the debate on the course the new Europe should take in the years to come -- Jean Pisani-Ferry, Director of Bruegel, Brussels
This book discusses - in a profound and transparent way - many important topics, e.g. EU constitution, aging, fiscal rules, economic growth in the European countries. It usefully covers EU-IS, New Members as well as Eurasia. -- Leszek Balcerowicz, President, National Bank of Poland