Biographical note
Amina Omrane is Associate Professor in management science and entrepreneurship at the University of Sfax in Tunisia. She has co-edited and published numerous books and more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed, reputed, and ranked journals and international conference proceedings.
Gouranga Patra is Associate Professor of management at Adamas University in Kolkata, India. His areas of expertise include marketing and advertising management, product and brand management, consumer behavior, retail management, international marketing and entrepreneurship development. He has published one book, Advertising Effectiveness in Indian Context (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012), and has published articles in several international journals on varied topics related to marketing. Apart from teaching, Dr. Patra is also developing his expertise in different statistical tools to enhance his research knowledge.
Sumona Datta is an AssistantProfessor in the Department of Psychology of Government General Degree College, Singur, Hooghly, India. Previously she worked as an Assistant Professor at St. Xavier's University, and the Adamas University of Kolkata, India. She has published her research work in different national and international journals as well as in edited volumes. Her research interest lies in the area of cognitive psychology and psychometry.