"... high on readability... a lyrical manifesto." -- Financial Times "Concrete economics reflects the pragmatic policies responsible for American economic development from independence through the 1960's It is the embodiment of Alexander Hamilton's very visible hand expanding the economic space necessary for markets to flourish. Highly recommended. -- CHOICE, the publication of the American Library Association "...a powerful little book with important messages to be debated." -- Marx and Philosophy Review of Books "...easy to read, and extremely informative... a worthy look at the history of the U.S. economy, and how and why it has grown as it has." -- Manhattan Book Review "a valuable lesson to people who run organizations of any type: public, private, for-profit, and nonprofit." -- strategy+business magazine ADVANCE PRAISE for Concrete Economics: Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University-- "Cohen and DeLong's polemical style adds a distinctive voice to economic policy debates. This book may enlighten and infuriate. It is a bold effort by bold thinkers." Michael Lind, author, Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States-- "In a dynamic economy, private enterprise and public leadership are partners, not adversaries. That is the lesson of the past for the future, drawn by two of the finest economic thinkers of the present in this timely and important book."