Kids grow up today in a media-saturated environment. Even as they are first discovering who they are and learning about the greater world, they are nudged and swayed by messaging like young trees blown by invisible winds. To help empower children to be resilient and have more self-guidance in their own development, we have written a two-book series about choice-making. Book 1 explores the general process of how we make choices, from consciously rational to subconsciously emotional. Through exploratory lessons supplied in each chapter, kids learn the techniques of effective choice-making so that they have the tools to stand against outside sways. Special attention is given in book 1 to instilling in youth tools for positive and effective choices in both worlds they live in, “real life” and online. Book 2 further explores youth action and choice-making online including social media and the impact of influencers on youth.
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ContentsPrefaceIntroductionChapter 1: Meet the Chooser (That would be YOU)Chapter 2: How Do We Make Choices?Chapter 3: Nonrational Factors in ChoosingChapter 4: Nudges, or External Factors on Our ChoicesChapter 5: Sway Chapter 6: The Tween MindChapter 7: Millennial, Gen Z, and Gen A LifeGlossaryBibliographyIndexAbout the Authors
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Rowman & Littlefield
295 gr
228 mm
151 mm
13 mm
P, 06
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Antall sider

Biographical note

Jim Wasserman is a former business litigation attorney and, for over twenty years, media literacy, economics, and Humanities teacher. He has written extensively on education generally and media literacy specifically, including a three-book series on how to introduce media literacy to elementary, middle, and high school students.

Jiab Wasserman is a former industrial engineer and bank executive, becoming a vice president at Bank of America. Since retiring, she has become a trail blazer in advocating for gender, ethnic, and immigrant equity in the workplace and in education. She has written about the financial world and financial practices for several years and continues to be a regular contributor on the subject.