Biographical note
Philip Arestis is Professor and Director of Research, Cambridge Centre for Economics and Public Policy, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK, and Professor of Economics at the Department of Applied Economics V, University of the Basque Country, Spain. He is also Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Economics, University of Utah, US, and Research Fellow, Levy Economics Institute, New York, US. He served (2005-2013) as Chief Academic (External) Adviser to the UK Government Economic Service (GES) on Professional Development in Economics. He is holder of the ‘Queen Victoria Eugenia’ award of the British Hispanic Chair of Doctoral Studies, and has been awarded ‘homage’ by the Brazilian Keynesian Association (AKB) for his contribution to Economics in Brazil. Holder of the FAcSS (Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences). He has published as sole author or editor, as well as co-author and co-editor, a number of books and papers in academic journals.