<i>'Welfare states react to globalization and adapt to aging populations by reducing early retirement pathways and public benefits. How have these changes affected the transition to and income situation during retirement? To investigate this crucial question, this eminent international team conducted sophisticated micro-level analyses of retirement patterns and old age inequality across Europe and the USA. For anyone wishing to understand the significant cross-national differences that determine employment precariousness and social inequality in old age, this book is a must-read.'</i><br /> --Bernhard Ebbinghaus, University of Mannheim, Germany<p><i>'This timely and important book describes changes over time in employment at older ages, the timing of retirement, and pension income and how these changes correspond with historical demographic, economic, and policy changes. What is especially valuable is that this book gives readers insight into how these dynamics are playing out around the world in countries such as Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.'</i><br /> --Barbara Butrica, <i>Journal of Pensions Economics and Finance</i></p>