<p>"This handbook offers an indispensable survey of the meanings, forms and structures of masculinity in contemporary culture. This book is timely and relevant!" </p><p><strong><em>Jack Halberstam, author of </em>Female Masculinity</strong></p><p>"Covering a broad, interdisciplinary range of approaches within Masculinity Studies, this handbook provides a welcome overview of genealogies and contemporary perspectives. The ambition to decentre the location of the field in the Global North, as well as to highlight its entanglements with feminist, queer, trans-, and postcolonial studies makes the volume stand out.</p><p><strong><em>Nina Lykke, Professor Emerita, Gender Studies, Linköping University</em></strong></p><p>"This is the text I should have had when I was a young scholar; the fact that I will reach for it today is testimony to the attention the authors pay to the historical journey of masculinity studies while remaining refreshingly relevant. The handbook offers new areas of reading masculinities from transnational, intersectional and multi-disciplinary perspectives. It is an essential resource for anyone interested in the question, ‘who—or what—is a man?’"</p><p><strong><em>Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Professor of African and Gender Studies, University of Ghana (Legon)</em></strong></p>
Biographical note
Lucas Gottzén is Professor at the Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden. His research takes feminist and critical perspectives on youth, gender and sexuality, particularly focusing on young and adult men’s violence. His recent books include Av det känsligare slaget: Män och våld mot kvinnor (‘The (Un)Sensitive Kind: Men and Violence against Women’, 2019), Genus (‘Gender’, 2019, with Eriksson) and Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence (2020, co-edited with Bjørnholt and Boonzaier).
Ulf Mellström is an anthropologist and Professor of Gender Studies at Karlstad University, Sweden. He has published extensively within the areas of masculinity studies, transport- and mobility studies, gender and technology, gender and risk, engineering studies, globalization and higher education. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies.
Tamara Shefer is Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Her scholarship has focused on intersectional gender and sexual justice, including research on critical masculinities studies. Her current work is focused on rethinking scholarship on sexualities and gender within feminist decolonial approaches. Recent co-edited books are Engaging Youth in Activist Research and Pedagogical Praxis: Transnational and Intersectional Perspectives on Gender, Sex, and Race (2018, with Hearn, Ratele & Boonzaier) and Socially Just Pedagogies in Higher Education: Critical Posthumanist and New Feminist Materialist Perspectives (2018, with Bozalek, Braidotti & Zembylas).