Biographical note
Christiane Timmerman is Research Professor and Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Migration and Intercultural Studies, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Noel Clycq is Professor in a chair on European Values and a CeMIS Postdoctoral Researcher and Academic Coordinator within the EU-FP7-project 'Reducing Early School Leaving in Europe', University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Marie Mc Andrew is Professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations and Director of the Research Group on Immigration, Equity and Schooling (GRIES) at the University of Montreal, Canada.
Alhassane Balde is Lecturer in the Department of Education and Specialized Training, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
Luc Braeckmans is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Antwerp, and Director of Academic Affairs of the University Centre Saint Ignatius Antwerp, Belgium.
Sara Mels is Project Co-ordinator at the University Centre Saint Ignatius Antwerp, Belgium.