A useful resource which provides a wealth of experience, presenting a structured sequential framework to progress children’s writing skills with lots of fresh ideas and the know-how to implement them.
Dr Margaret Crombie, teacher and author of Dyslexia: A Practical Guide for Teachers
As an ex-teacher, I know how difficult the act of writing is for most children, let alone children with dyslexia. This book gives practical suggestions around teaching grammar, punctuation and creative writing. The multisensory format means that children with dyslexia, will also be able to access the information in a way that suits their learning needs. A great resource for specialists, classroom teachers <i>and</i> parents.
- Katrina Cochrane, founder of Positive Dyslexia Ltd , @katrinadyslexia,
<i>Write This Way!</i> is such a useful, practical and effective book for teachers and parents who are forever struggling to teach writing. Reid, Clark and McIntosh have taken such a difficult topic to teach and turned it into lesson plans that almost constitute an intervention programme in an easy-to-read and easy-to-follow book. Simply brilliant! I highly recommend it for parents and teachers.
Dr Gad Elbeheri, Director of the Lighthouse Centre, Egypt
An excellent book written by experts for adults working with children who find the process of writing challenging. So many learners are overwhelmed, fearful of the process or simply do not know where to begin. This accessible text looks at the range of skills necessary to develop those skills in a structured, comprehensive and engaging way.
Dr Lindsay Peer CBE, Educational Psychologist