<p>"Carolyn Shields, again in this third edition, lives up to her pledge not to provide simplistic lists or easy answers to the challenges of educational leadership as educators work to achieve equitable, inclusive, and quality education with lifelong learning for all students. Instead, she provides a message of hope and inspiration that is anchored in the theory of transformative leadership with powerful examples from the work of authentic educational leaders who are making a positive difference through their work. The power of critique and moral leadership are poignantly illuminated through the narratives of transformative leaders. These vignettes provide excellent case studies for dialogue and reflection and serve as catalysts for action. Shields’ third edition of <i>Transformative Leadership in Education</i> is a must read for dedicated educational leaders who are committed to providing quality learning experiences for all students. She expertly provides tangible ways that equity and excellence can be achieved and illuminates the vital role of educational leaders to this process."<br /><br /><b>Betty</b><b> J. Alford</b>, Professor, Department Chair, and Doctoral Program Director, Educational Leadership, <i>California State Polytechnic University, USA</i>.</p><p>"The third edition of <i>Transformative Leadership in Education</i> updates and strengthens further an already superb book which presents a social justice based, alternative approach to educational leadership. Students in several of my classes who studied the first and second editions of the book profusely praised the text's compactness, eloquent writing, and masterful combination of first-rate scholarship with vignettes and stories of real exemplary educators who, in Shields' words, 'advocate for those least advantaged in our current system.' The third edition provides a broader international perspective, situating educational leadership in the United Nations sustainable development goals, with the promise of student achievement taking place in a learning environment that is equitable, inclusive, and just."</p><p><b>Monte </b><b>Piliawsky</b>, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, <i>Wayne State University, USA</i>.</p><p>"In the graduate courses I teach on educational leadership, the work of Dr. Shields is regularly referenced. Students consistently comment on how accessible and valuable they find her writing to be. This third edition of <i>Transformative Leadership</i> is no different. Dr. Shields has provided a valuable overview of the complexity of a world in which educational leaders are faced with challenging contexts and tasked with a myriad of leadership responsibilities. Transformative leadership is needed now more than ever. Dr. Shields has provided a rich text that explores two principles and eight tenets of transformative leadership that hold great potential for helping educational leaders successfully navigate the complexities and challenges in which they find themselves."</p><p><b>Steve </b><b>Sider</b>, Professor, Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, Director Centre for Leading Research in Education, <i>Wilfrid Laurier University,</i> <i>Canada</i>.</p>
Biographical note
Carolyn M. Shields is Professor Emerita of Educational Leadership in the College of Education at Wayne State University, Detroit, USA, where she has been focused on equity, excellence, and inclusion throughout her career.