Social Justice for the Oppressed is an amazing collection of activist intellectual voices for social justice in education that we must cherish and study for years to come. Orelus captures in this volume the wisdom and insight of prominent thinkers of our day that can instigate and motivate action leading to political and educational change.
- Luis Urrieta, associate professor of cultural studies of education, University of Texas at Austin; author, "Working from Within: Chicana and Chicano Activist Educators in Whitestream Schools" (University of Arizona Press, 2009),
Social Justice for the Oppressed brings together, in one place, the voices and perspectives of some of our nation’s most prominent intellectuals and cultural workers around issues of social justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity. It provides insight into how each of these leaders understands and theorizes social justice as well as uncovering its implications for the everyday world of social-cultural groups pushed to the margins. In doing so, these scholars dig underneath the surface to name the underlying structures, narratives, and ideologies that undergird the systemic forces that perpetuate social inequality. In hearing the range of perspectives provided herein, we come to understand the multiplicity of ways in which we can enter—within the contexts and spheres of influence which we inhabit—this critical work ourselves. Social Justice for the Oppressed is certain to illuminate the complexity of this work, inform our own efforts at liberation, and inspire us to pursue a vision of possibility for generations to come.
- Francisco Rios, Dean and Professor, Woodring College of Education,