<p><em>A must read for teachers, administrators, and policy makers who are trying to promote "school connectedness" for students with disabilities. Each chapter provides research-based information on topics related to school connectedness followed by theory to practice guidance for making schools a better place for students with disabilities.</em> </p><p><strong>Sarup R. Mathur, PhD, BCBA-D, Professor of Special Education, Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University</strong></p><p><em>At a critical time in education Cumming, Marsh, and Higgins provide us with a new and incredibly valuable resource that focuses on the importance of fostering school connectedness and reminds all of us, teachers, administrators, families, and other champions of students with disabilities, that we can do more to improve our practices and engage these youth.</em></p><p><strong>Heather Griller Clark, Ph.D., Principle Research Specialist, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University</strong></p>
Biographical note
Therese M. Cumming is an Associate Professor in Special Education in the School of Education at UNSW Sydney. Her publications include an edited book (Sustaining Mobile Learning: Theory, research, and practice, Routledge 2016), a co-authored book (Lifespan Transitions for Individuals with Disabilities: A holistic perspective, Routledge 2016), book chapters, journal articles and international conference papers. She also has many years of experience as a special educator.
Robbie J. Marsh is an Assistant Professor in Special Education at Mercer University. His research interests include: students with emotional and behavioural disorders and autism, access to mental health services and applied behaviour analysis.
Kyle Higgins is a Professor of Special Education in the Department of Educational & Clinical Studies at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Her research interests focus on the use of technology and other evidence-based practices with students with disabilities to foster their inclusion in academic and non-academic settings.