Biographical note
Santoshi Halder is a Professor at the Department of Education, University of Calcutta, India. She has a B.Ed. in Special Education, Post-graduation in Education, and Ph.D. in Applied Psychology. She is also a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst (BACB, USA) and Special Educator licensure (Rehabilitation Council of India, RCI). Her research interests are in the area of Inclusion, Disability Studies, Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Diversity, Cross-Cultural Comparative Studies, etc.
Shakila Dada is a Professor at the Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) at the University of Pretoria. She is currently the Director of the CAAC. She is a speech-language therapist with extensive experience in research and teaching in the field of AAC and Early Childhood Intervention.
Rashida Banerjee is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning Sciences at the University of Denver. Her research areas are effective community, family, and professional partnerships; appropriate assessment of young children; especially issues around diversity; inclusive intervention for young children; and interdisciplinary early childhood workforce development.