Biographical note
Santoshi Halder is a Professor at the Department of Education, University of Calcutta, India. She is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BACB, USA) and Special Educator Licensure (RCI, India). Her specialization and primary focus of research range from Educational Technology (ET), Special Needs Education (SEN), and inclusion of people with diverse needs, to marginalized communities and minorities. Her recent book publications include Inclusion, Disability, and Culture (2017), Inclusion, Equity, Access for Individuals with Disabilities (2019), and Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teachers (2022). Her research work focuses on video modeling behavioral intervention for people with autism, marginalized and secluded communities, and finding constructive strategic pathways for the inclusion of people with diverse needs in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.
Sanju Saha is an Assistant Professor at Ghoshpukur College, Siliguri, West Bengal, India. His research interests include instructional design, technological innovation for teaching-learning, instructional visualization, and technology-based design of learning materials to utilize human cognition.