Despite the happy talk over the past decade of a ‘post-racial’ society, this book brings together a collection of essays that shows persuasively how racism continues to shape many of our discourses and institutions in education, and how it might be possible to employ a range of research strategies for unsettling practices that have disastrous consequences for the experiences and aspirations of students viewed as ‘others’.
Fazal Rizvi, The University of Melbourne Australia
Biographical note
Greg Vass is a Lecturer at the University of New South Wales, Australia. His work in the Sociology of Education is concerned with social and Indigenous perspectives in education. His research interests are focused on investigating relationships between policy enactment, and pedagogic/curricula performative race-making practices and inequalities. This work explores how discrimination and privilege are connected to subjectivities that continue to rely on racialised social scripts and everyday practices. Building on his experiences as a high school teacher, central to his work are concerns with how educators can work towards disrupting the reproduction of raced hierarchies and inequalities within educational settings.
Jacinta Maxwell is a Pākehā New Zealander and a non-Indigenous Australian, who is currently a Lecturer at the School of Linguistics, Adult and Specialist Education at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Her doctoral research examined stated and implicit intentions underpinning the inclusion of the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures’ cross-curriculum priority within the Australian Curriculum. Jacinta’s research engages with critical race theories of education, policy and curriculum, and notions of national culture in international and offshore schools.
Sophie Rudolph is a Lecturer in the Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia. She has a long-standing interest in exploring issues of social justice, difference and equity in education. As a non-Indigenous, Anglo-settler Australian she has been particularly interested in the impact that colonial history has on present day inequalities in Australia. These interests frame her teaching and research practices. Her research includes sociological and historical examinations of education and investigates issues of curriculum, pedagogy and politics in education, policy and practice. Her work is informed by critical and post-structuralist theories and aims to offer opportunities for working towards social change. Her PhD thesis was awarded a Chancellor’s Prize for Excellence in 2016.
Kalervo N. Gulson is Associate Professor in the School of Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia. His work is located across social, political and cultural geography, education policy studies, and science and technology studies. His current research programme examines Code, Data, Science and Education policy.