<p>"Embedding Intensive Interaction at the heart of a school’s educational, pastoral and care provision should be seen as a vital element in meeting our children’s special educational needs. This book offers reflective, insightful and practically useful perspectives and resources that can significantly help in this process. Setting each individual child at the very centre of their own social and communicative development is what Intensive Interaction undoubtedly delivers; this book will help schools and teaching staff alike to more effectively meet that challenge." <b>- Graham Firth, Intensive Interaction Institute Team Leader and Founding Director</b></p><p>"Intensive Interaction IS communication, and this book illustrates this very clearly. In the 70s, when I started in SEN, we quickly realised behaviour modification was not right for our students. We began using music and dance, symbols and timetables, plus social stories. We also began to realise how much our students – and their families – could teach us! Maybe this was the beginning of II…which has now been refined to the professional standard illustrated by the many contributors to this book. Importantly, it has not lost any of its spontaneity or its child-centred emphasis." - <b>Ruth Buchan, former Headteacher Freemantle School</b></p><p>"It has been a long time since Kellett and Nind’s ‘Implementing Intensive Interaction in Schools’ did "what it said on the box" and became every I.I. Coordinator’s go-to reference, so it is great to see the arrival of 'The Intensive Interaction Classroom Guide' which gives a range of contexts to the experiences of practitioners now using Intensive Interaction in classrooms. It contains some especially helpful and current references to EYFS, ECHPs and Ofsted that both lone practitioners and coordinators in schools will find reassuring and useful." - <strong>Dr Mark Barber, Consultant in Profound Intellectual Disability and Severe Communication Impairment in Australia</strong></p><p>"This practical guide provides support for teachers working from nursery to Post-16 with a wide range of students, not only those with autism or learning differences." - <strong>Mary Mountstephen, <em>SEN Magazine</em></strong></p>
Biographical note
Amandine Mourière is a freelance autism and learning disability consultant and a Team Leader at the Intensive Interaction Institute.
Pam Smith is the autism support teacher and Intensive Interaction Coordinator at two Surrey special schools.