<p><em>"... I believe that this is a book which will contribute significantly to the continuing professional development of FE teachers. Furthermore, I suggest that its particular layout, with its theoretical framework, suggested reflections, ideas for consideration and case studies would make it a very useful tool for principals or senior managers in promoting a shared vision and in facilitating collective staff development in a Further Education college or centre."</em> <em>-</em><strong> Adult Learner 2014, Dan Condren, National University of Ireland</strong></p><p><strong>"</strong><em>There is a great deal of knowledge and advice here for all FE teachers wishing to improve and refl ect upon their practice, although in terms of subject specifi cs it is probably most appropriate for those teaching basic skills and humanities. This book is supportive and based on fi rst-hand experience, trial and error, collaborative approaches to learning and the sharing of practice in the lifelonglearning sector." - </em><strong>Sophie Nickeas, Senior Tutor for Vocational Training at YOI & HMP Bronzefield, a PhD Researcher at the University of West London and Fellow of Ifl. </strong></p>
Biographical note
Vicky Duckworth is Senior Lecturer and MA PCET Co-ordinator in Post Compulsory Education and Training and Schools' University Lead at Edge Hill University, UK.