ForwordOrganizing committeeScientific review committeeIdeology in the Indonesian Presidentâs speech: Study in the dimension of ontology, epistemology, and axiology; S. RafiqaImproving early childhood education studentsâ knowledge about culture as the local wisdom; T. ChandrawatiRole of religious value education based on IPS learning to build social intelligence; Siswandi, S. Al-Muchtar, E. Malihah & H. SjamsuddinStudentsâ perception of Open University of Indonesia online tutorial; PrayektiThe Baumatahutn traditional values of Dayak Kanayatn communities in implementing social studies based on ethnopedagogy; S. Bahri, Hemafitria & E.T. LestariPerception of kindergarten teachers on the utilization of traditional games in learning in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia; S. TatminingsihA self-regulated learning process to enhancement of student teachersâ education in Indonesia: A qualitative approach; A.D.J. SuhandokoTo reach the unreached: Online learning to improve early childhood education teachersâ competencies in the digital Era; D.R. JovankaReflective practice teacher education: Constraints at Universitas Terbuka; I. RokhiyahStudent satisfaction in academic services, teaching materials, online tutorials, and practicum at the department of biology education in Open University; G. Nurdin, K. Iryani & A. RatnaningsihMeasuring a culture-based teachers education and training programâs effectiveness: Implications for physics teachersâ PCK; I.P. Soko & Y. SudarsoDeveloping mathematical disposition of 8th grade students through MEAs strategy; E. Wahyuningrum & Y.S. KusumahWriting language ability of indonesian education program student in Universitas Terbuka; E. RusyanaThe relationship of parentsâ psychosocial stimulation with multiple intelligence level of kindergarten children, age 5â6 years; D. NovitaUsing GeoEnZo software in geometry to teach Primary School Teacher (PST) students; I. NoviantiDevelopment of mobile learning with constructive models in trigonometry material at senior high school 8 in Semarang; Nurmawati & P. Tetralian Bantining NgastitiAssessment of critical education concepts in the perspective of Islamic education; S. Idris, Tabrani Z.A., F.S. Ismail & AmsoriEnhancing learnersâ speaking skills by using multimedia: An online learning perspective; L.S. Ardiasih & JuhanaThe impact of online games on language aggression behavior of adolescents in warnet; R. Saâdiyah & A. KusmawatiGender differences in academic stress among psychology students; D.K. Dewi & I.E.P. NingsihConceptual framework used to improve the problem solving integration for kindergarten children; Nuraida, F. Jalal & RusmonoCode-switching in Whatsapp group of Indonesian Participating Youth (IPY) 37; I.T. YunianikaDevelopment of interactive whiteboard media using Realistic Mathematics Education models in early childhood; E. Kurniasih & L.R. MasdukiEducation from the urban marginal societyâs perspective; N.W. Wardhani, A.T.S. Priyanto, E. Handoyo, M.H. Susanti & S. NarimoReconstruction of creative movement to instill good character in kindergarten children; S. Aisyah, T. Chandrawati, D. Novita & P.A. AntaraThe utilization of cow dung as a biogas fuel in Cibiru Wetan, Bandung; M. Sudirman, A.S. Hendrayana, N. Setiana & R.D. SuwardiImplementation of School-Based Management in SMP Negeri 1 Bantul; WartomoExploratory Factor Analysis of the HEdPERFâs scales on Balikpapan State Polytechnic; S. Ghozi, A.A. Rakim & MahfudIs financial education needed in elementary school?; D.S. Puspitarona, I. Abdulhak & RusmanManagement of practical courses in the early childhood study program: Challenges for Open University of Indonesia; Marisa, T. Chandrawati & D. NovitaUse of interactive video program base on a problem-based learning approach in Universitas Terbuka; S. Prabowo & AndayaniTarget situation analysis of writing for academic purposes in Indonesiantertiary education: Usersâ insight; A. Yundayani & D. KardijanPushing toward internationalization of higher education: Challenges for a newcomer; S. Hadianti & B. ArisandiUtilization of digital teaching materials from internet networks to increase student motivation in learning science; H. Khotimah, N. Hidayat, Y. Supriyati & A. SupenaParenting in the digital era: Dealing with the impact of technological developments on childrenâs moral development; A.N. Izzati, L.S. Ardiasih & A. YundayaniAudio visual media versus games media on mastery of English vocabulary for elementary school student; D.S. Bimo & M.Y. RensiStudentsâ instructional success: A foundation of psychology perspective; W.A. Surasmi, Dwikoranto, A.F. Ali & A. RachmanIntensive communication with parents key to success in handling autism in children: A case study in parental affection for autistic patients in Bogor; S. NawatiDistance learnersâ readiness for online final examinations; Y. Sukarsih & S.D. AntoroChallenges in implementing a curriculum: A case study of SD Negeri Pudjokusuman 1 teachers; M. Handayani & A.H. SaputraStudent perceptions of face-to-face tutorials in Handling Children with Special Needs (HCSN) classes in Universitas Terbuka (UT); M. AminiDistance learning skills training (PKBJJ) for students; A. Prastya, D. Restia & StefaniDevelopment of educational traffic signs game based on android for elementary school students; A. Rachman, D.A. Fatimah, H. Nugroho, Sulistyowati, W. Widodo & W.A. SurasmiThe benefits of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) training for improvement of studentsâ SRL; U. Rahayu, A. Sapriati & Y. SudarsoInitial research on online-enriched microteaching in higher teacherâs open and distance education; U. Kusmawan, S. Sumiyati & D.R. JovankaStudentsâ perceptions of learning media video blogs in online tutorials; B. Muflikah, Y. Suharno & V.A. KusumaReality and public perception of the implementation of Islamic sharia laws in Banda Acèh; A. Manan, Gunawan & MuhibbuthabryImproving childrenâs emotional intelligence through cooperative learning methods; S. SukatmiConstruction of Islamic education in the education system in Indonesia; Hayati, Tabrani Z.A., Syahril, S. Idris & R. MurziqinThe local governance system based on the special autonomy law in Indonesia; M.N. Umar, R. Murziqin, Baihaqi As, Sanusi, F. Andriyadi, Sulaiman, Syahril & Z.A. TabraniBehavior of millennials in using the internet for learning; J. WarsihnaEmployersâ response to chemistry education graduates of Universitas Terbuka; S.S. Adji, S. Hamda & JamaludinThe use of hypermedia for Indonesian language learning in distance education; B. PratiwiSocial behavior of students in the âseize the ballâ game; U.Z. Mikdar & R. SugiyantoAssessment of practical work in the biology education program, distance education; A. Sapriati, M. Sekarwinahyu, U. Rahayu & S. SuroyoAre digital books in android applications and web-based virtual books effective for distance learning? A lesson from Universitas Terbuka Indonesia; Y. RiadyThe effect of learning style and motivation on studentsâ learning achievement at UPBJJ-UT Makassar (study on undergraduate public administration students); Jamil & N. A digital mind-mapping tool to promote a mobile-based technology approach in writing courses; R.A. Karim, M.H.M. Tahir, A.H.M. Adnan, N. Idris, I. Ismail & A.G. AbuEffects of constructivist learning on inductive reasoning ability and attitude towards mathematics; Yumiati & S. HajiEngagement and convergence: Leadership for a world-class education in mathematics and technology; P.S. Moyer-PackenhamEducation 4.0 and intercultural understanding: Perspectives from Australia and Indonesia; R. ReynoldsCulture and local wisdom in the global era: The importance of meaningful learning; S.A. SayutiAuthor index
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