"A rather remarkable book by a rather remarkable academic. I know that students, education practitioners and researchers will make good use of this book; I sincerely hope that it falls into the hands of politicians and policy-makers where it may interrupt some of the policy-problems it identifies." Educational Research and Evaluation
"'Extends a growing body of critical evidence to inform policy and practice in education, with particular regard to inequalities and social justice. The book provides an expert voice and will appeal to policy makers, school leaders, teachers, students and higher education professionals as well as any individuals interested in the future of education." Feyisa Demie, Durham University
"Gorard has a habit of making his readers confront the unsettling facts of education policy in a way only a researcher of his calibre and insight can. Policy-makers, take note." Stuart Kime, Evidence-based Education
"Ambitious and eruditely written, this book is a myth-busting tour de force bringing together 20 years of evidence to tackle the most pressing issues in education policy and research." Andrew Wilkins, University of East London
"...An important and accessible synthesis of evidence relating to an array of policy areas across the UK and international settings... Every chapter outlines practical, achievable approaches to improving education and the final conclusion discusses ways that researchers and policymakers could work together more effectively. This belief that things can and should improve is an important message for all of us interested in education and policy research." Journal of Education Policy