A must read for anyone wanting to delve into the complex issues related to how educators and community leaders can create welcoming and inclusive environments for migrants, refugees, and immigrants! This edited book provides glimpses into the laws, regulations, and praxis related to displaced peoples in multiple countries including Britain, Canada, Sweden, Turkey, Spain, Syria, and the United States. All authors, who are members of the global educational leadership and research community, focus in some way on issues of leadership and equity related to serving the most vulnerable populations. To do so, in the 15 chapters of this book, these authors offer multiple perspectives that help us both gain an overview of the challenges presented when policy and praxis collide and begin to understand some ways in which leaders can promote high expectations, equity, and social justice in today’s changing and turbulent times.
- Carolyn M Shields,
This book studiously exposes one of the most sombre global problems facing us as educators, wherever we work. The editors bring together a powerful collection of socially active authors focused on raising awareness of the plight created by forced migration. The book will open your eyes and tug your heartstrings. Read it and you’ll want to know what you can do to help.
- Allan Walker,
Arar, Bogotch and Brooks have introduced us to authors with deep insights into numerous professional experiences with immigration, refugees, and displaced peoples of the world. This edited book truly represents the challenging work of leading educators who turn struggles into improved practices intended to address issues of social justice among disenfranchised populations.
- Anthony H. Normore,
What a timely and thoughtful resource to help educational leaders meet the needs of all students and families in our schools – all over the world!
- Margaret Grogan,
There was never a time when we had a greater need for an edited volume such as this. With a stellar group of authors, it should prove essential reading for 21st century educators who aim to provide culturally and linguistically responsive education to immigrant and refugee populations worldwide. Highly recommended.
- Lauri Johnson,
This volume brings together 15 essays that explore immigrant education from the perspective of the role of educational policymakers, leaders, and staff in response to increasing transnational migration. Education and other researchers from Europe, North America, Australia, and Israel discuss displaced individuals and groups like nomads, shepherds, and other stateless people and their experiences during immigration and implications for education; Canadian experiences with immigrants and refugees from Syria; a reception center in Canada to welcome student refugees and facilitate their integration into schools; building welcoming and inclusive schools for immigrant and refugee students in Canada; foreign qualification recognition in Australia's skilled migration program; and the practices of school leaders in a government-funded school in Australia. Other essays address Syrian refugee students' experiences at temporary education centers in Turkey, as well as challenges relating to policy, leadership, and practice as viewed by school principals and Turkish and Syrian teachers; higher education for displaced Syrian refugees in Lebanon; the management of a school in a Palestinian refugee camp in Jerusalem; the educational development of migrant learners in Malta; the role of the news media in the construction and identity formation of undocumented youth in the US; the rights of children of immigrant families in high-complexity schools in Catalonia, Spain; the role of principals in the education of asylum seekers in Swedish schools; and Muslim schools in the UK.
- Annotation ©2019, (protoview.com)