‘This book provides useful examples of why HIV must be recognized as a social as well as a medical condition. It argues that the disability that HIV causes can be mitigated by education, and provides an eclectic set of "stories" to illustrate this.' David A. Ross, Professor of Epidemiology and International Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
‘This book is an important addition to the literature. The field of AIDS research and advocacy is complicated and continually expanding with new publications, findings and interventions appearing on an almost daily basis. It is difficult for anyone to keep up with this tide of information. This book synthesizes established and new AIDS information, providing a highly readable and informative overview of the AIDS epidemic. It gives educators a solid introduction to the latest information in the field. It is therefore an important contribution to the AIDS literature. I hope it finds a wide audience.' Nora Ellen Groce, Director of the Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, UK