Meaningful learning aids and real-life scenarios help students learn to become reflective practitioners.
Counseling Today: Foundations of Professional Identity does more than overview professional practice competencies—it actively engages students using relatable, real-life scenarios and effective pedagogical aids designed for the way they learn best.
As students are introduced to current research, controversial topics, and authentic counseling stories, they are challenged to think critically and reflect on what they learn. This approach keeps them involved in their learning as they acquire the skills they need to develop their professional identities. Filled with more first-person accounts, new social justice themes, over 300 updated reference citations, and the latest CACREP standards, the 2nd Edition gives readers true insight into the way that counseling is practiced today.Also available with MyLab Counseling
MyLabTM is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Counseling organizes all assignments around essential learning outcomes and the CACREP standards–enabling easy course alignment and reporting.
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- 0134816420 / 9780134816425 Counseling Today: Foundations of Professional Identity
- 0134816552 / 9780134816555 MyLab Counseling with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Counseling Today: Foundations of Professional Identity
- Who Are Counselors?
- What Do Counselors Do?
- How Are Counselors Trained and Regulated?
- How Do Counselors Integrate Personal and Professional Identity?
- How Do Counseling Students Get the Most from Their Graduate Programs?
- How Do Counselors Use Theories?
- How Do Counselors Use Research?
- What Happens in a Counseling Session?
- Where Do Counselors Work?
- How Do Counselors Promote Social Justice and Engage in Culturally Competent Counseling?
- How Do Counselors Collect and Use Assessment Information?
- How Do Counselors Make Legal and Ethical Decisions?
- How Do Counselors Support Wellness in Themselves and Their Clients?
- Counseling Tomorrow
As students are introduced to current research, controversial topics, and authentic counseling stories, they are challenged to think critically and reflect on what they learn. This approach keeps them involved in their learning as they acquire the skills they need to develop their professional identities.
New to the 2nd Edition:
- Material aligned to the 2016 CACREP Professional Orientation and Ethical Practice standards
- Updated Snapshots that include first-hand stories from counselors, counselors-in-training, or clients
- Updated Counseling Controversies which highlight current issues within the profession and encourage students to respond with their own opinions
- New The Many Faces of… brief accounts highlight a diverse range of individuals so that readers can find a relatable person within the text
- Clear connections to social justice advocacy counseling competencies and actionable strategies
- Over 300 updated reference citations, the latest information about state licensure requirements, updates to the ASCA National Model, and a discussion of licensure portability
Available with MyLab Counseling
MyLab™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Counseling organizes all assignments around essential learning outcomes and the CACREP standards—enabling easy course alignment and reporting. Learn more about MyLab Counseling.
- Case Studies illustrate all of the essential competencies required for the professional practice of career counseling.
- Informed by Research helps students connect current research to actual counseling practice.
- Spotlights highlight major trends or issues in the field.
- Counseling Controversies present current issues within the profession and encourage students to respond with their own opinions.
- An entire chapter on being successful in graduate school (academically, interpersonally and intrapersonally) helps readers navigate graduate school (Ch. 5).
- Snapshots feature first-person stories from counselors, counselors-in-training or clients.
- NEW: The Many Faces Of brief accounts highlight a diverse range of individuals so that readers can relate to a person within the text.
- NEW: 2016 CACREP Professional Orientation and Ethical Practice standards are aligned to each chapter.
- NEW: Connections to social justice advocacy counseling competencies are incorporated in every chapter.
- UPDATED: Chapter 4 helps students understand the personal aspects of becoming a counselor and provides specific professional development and growth information.
- UPDATED: Chapter 12 includes specific information and strategies about how the legal and ethical requirements of the profession apply to graduate students. Chapter 13 clearly focuses on helping counseling students develop a foundation for wellness during their graduate training that can extend into their careers.
- UPDATED/NEW: Research includes over 300 updated reference citations, the latest information about state licensure requirements, updates to the ASCA National Model, and a discussion of licensure portability. More information about the role of technology in counseling and training is infused throughout the text.
Biographical note
About our authorsDarcy Haag Granello, Ph.D. is a Professor of Counselor Education and Director of The Ohio State University Suicide Prevention Program. She is an Ohio Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with a Supervising Credential. She has published over 60 articles in peer-reviewed national journals, has made over 300 international, national, and state presentations, and has secured over $2.2 million in grants and funding. She is co-author of 3 books: Suicide: An Essential Guide for Helping Professionals and Educators; Suicide, Self-injury and Violence in the Schools; and Counseling Today: Foundations of Professional Identity. One of Darcy’s research foci is in suicide prevention, assessment and intervention, and she is the founder and director of a program to develop and implement a comprehensive suicide prevention plan for the OSU campus. Her second area of interest is in counselor education, specifically the cognitive development of counselors, counseling supervision, conducting outcome assessment and attitudes towards persons with mental illness.
Mark Young is Professor of Counselor Education at the University of Central Florida, Orlando. For more than 20 years he worked as a counselor in community mental health, college counseling centers, private practice and corrections. He has been a state and national leader in counseling. For the past 14 years, he has conducted research and provided services for couples at the UCF Marriage and Family Research Institute. His writing is focused on practical issues that counselors face, including maintaining their personal wellness, understanding clients’ religious and spiritual perspectives, developing a theoretical orientation and understanding the client/counselor alliance. His most recent books are Learning the Art of Helping and Counseling and Therapy for Couples.