An excellent book for students of comparative and international education to indulge in. It leaves the reader with a thorough insight into what comparative education is all about... and provides readers with a firm foundation for further absorption into the many aspects of the field. It is a pleasure also to recommend the book as a course book for comparative education courses outside the English-speaking world.
- Professor Thyge Winther-Jensen, Department of Educational Sociology, School of Education, University of Aarhus, Denmark,
This text is very approachable and clearly written and yet manages to address major features a beginning comparative educator would need to learn about the field...I would recommend the text for an initial comparative/international education course.
- Suzanne Majhanovich, Comparative Education Review
Reading this book will provide you with a solid grounding in the principles of comparative and international education, and will equip you with a better understanding of the theory and practice that lies behind these terms. It is an in-depth and specialised text suitable for education professionals.
SEDA, September 2009
Biographical note
David Phillips is Emeritus Professor of Comparative Education at the University of Oxford, UK, and an Emeritus Fellow of St Edmund Hall, Oxford, UK.
Michele Schweisfurth is Professor of Comparative and International Education at the University of Glasgow, UK. She is also Chair of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (2010-12) and Editor of the journal Comparative Education.