<p>"This is a wonderful book, in every sense. If you want to understand organizations not as entities but as accomplishments, I can think of no better book. Lars Klemsdal masterfully draws on organization and social theory, through a phenomenological lens, to demonstrate the processes through which we organize ourselves and produce what we come to label as organizations. Approached through the perspective of sensemaking, both organizations and their management acquire new meaning. One notices opportunities for action; situations are shown to be more malleable than they appear; meaning-full interactions become salient. Lars Klemsdal has given us delicious food for thought. Enjoy it."</p><p><b>Haridimos Tsoukas</b>, <i>University of Cyprus, Cyprus; University of Warwick, UK</i></p><p>"Sartre and Goffman, two ‘outsiders’, in many ways, to conventional studies of work and its organization, are combined in this important book by drawing on philosophical and sociological phenomenology to make profound theoretical sense of work situations, placing the human experience in all its modes of being at the centre of sociological analysis of organizations."</p><p><b>Stewart Clegg</b>, <i>University of Sydney, Australia</i></p>
Biographical note
Lars Klemsdal is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo. His research interests include processes of organizing, management of organizational change and development, institutional change during public sector reforms, and sociological and organizational theory. He is particularly concerned with foundational issues concerning agency and theories of knowledge in organization and management contexts. He works mostly through microsociological, pragmatist, and phenomenological approaches.