For courses in organizational behavior.    A streamlined presentation of key organizational behavior concepts Currently in use at more than 500 colleges and universities worldwide, Essentialsof Organizational Behavior, 15th Edition teaches students howto communicate and interact within organizations. The text uses real-worldscenarios and offers comprehensive coverage of key organizational behaviorconcepts that resonate with students — making each lesson engaging, relevant, andeasy to absorb. With updated research and examples, and the integration ofcontemporary global issues, readers can apply what they've learned to their owneducation, future career plans, and other organizational endeavors. 
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PART 1: UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF AND OTHERS  1. What Is Organizational Behavior?2. Diversity in Organizations 3. Attitudes and Job Satisfaction4. Emotions and Moods5. Personality and Values   PART 2: MAKING AND IMPLEMENTING DECISIONS 6. Perception and Individual Decision Making7. Motivation Concepts8. Motivation: From Concepts to Applications    PART 3: COMMUNICATING IN GROUPS AND TEAMS9. Foundations of Group Behavior10. Understanding Work Teams11. Communication   PART 4: NEGOTIATING POWER AND POLITICS12. Leadership13. Power and Politics14. Conflict and Negotiation   PART 5: LEADING, UNDERSTANDING, AND TRANSFORMING THEORGANIZATION SYSTEM15. Foundations of Organization Structure16. Organizational Culture17. Organizational Change and Stress Management  
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A practical approach connects organizationalbehavior (OB) concepts to the real world NEW and UPDATED - Nearly 1,000 new state-of-the-art research citations and examples (538 of which are contemporary) show students the impact of OB in their daily lives. EXPANDED - Increased coverage on globalization and diversity boosts students' knowledge of these important topics. NEW - 40 new examples of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning show students how AI and its applications have revolutionized the OB field. NEW - In Times of Crisis sections examine critical events, such as the global COVID-19 pandemic, and their impact on decision making, teams, communication, and leadership in the workplace. NEW and REVISED - Business Ethics topics throughout the text familiarize students with major events including the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Wells Fargo account fraud scandal, and more.   A complete and clear presentation of the material boosts studentcomprehension Concise and balanced coverage of topics allows students to learn the full scope of the OB field of study — from traditional concepts like personality and leadership to modern issues like diversity and negotiation, all in less than 350 pages. Cross-references between chapters help link themes and concepts throughout the text, providing students with a deeper understanding of topics. A conversational writing style keeps the text fluid and engaging, using clear examples to further explain complex concepts.   A learner-centric pedagogy helps students succeed in the courseand their career REVISED - Learning Objectives keep students on track and abreast of what they should know once they've finished reading the chapter. NEW - An Employability Skills Matrix in Chapter 1 maps each chapter onto a critical employability skill. In each subsequent chapter, explicit examples of how OB is relevant for business functions (e.g., marketing, sales, etc.) and outcomes are provided.  MyLab® Management is not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Management is arecommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor forthe correct ISBN. Pearson MyLab Management should only be purchased whenrequired by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative formore information.  ·         Teach your course your way o   NEW - 17 new Case StudyAssignments, written specifically for Pearson MyLab Management for Essentials ofOrganizational Behavior, 15th Edition, challenge students tothink critically and apply course concepts as they engage in real businessscenarios. These assignments cover a variety of OB topics and come withopen-ended questions for assessment. o   NEW - Brandnew Individual, Team,and Capstone Simulations help students masteroverarching course concepts like leadership, planning, motivation, anddiversity. By combining key themes from multiple chapters into uniquescenarios, students can better understand how OB and management concepts arerelated to one another. ·         Deliver trusted content o   NEW - New videoand podcast assignments have been added to eachchapter. Video assignments illustrate key concepts from the text and provideimportant application opportunities. With podcast assignments, students listento a highly engaging podcast and then answer questions about the organizationalbehavior principles covered within. o   With Management in the News, the latest newsarticles are posted regularly, along with discussion questions that help studentsunderstand OB issues in current events. ·         Empower learners o   Personal Inventory Assessments area collection of online exercises designed to promote self-reflection andmetacognition in students. These 33 assessments include topics such as a StressManagement Assessment, Diagnosing Poor Performance and Enhancing Motivation,and Time Management Assessment.
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A practical approach connectsorganizational behavior (OB) concepts to the real world Nearly 1,000 new state-of-the-art research citations and examples (538 of which are contemporary) show students the impact of OB in their daily lives. Increased coverage on globalization and diversity boosts students' knowledge of these important topics. 40 new examples of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning show students how AI and its applications have revolutionized the OB field. In Times of Crisis sections examine critical events, such as the global COVID-19 pandemic, and their impact on decision making, teams, communication, and leadership in the workplace. Business Ethics topics throughout the text familiarize students with major events including the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Wells Fargo account fraud scandal, and more.  A learner-centric pedagogy helps students succeed in the courseand their career Learning Objectives keep students on track and abreast of what they should know once they've finished reading the chapter. An Employability Skills Matrix in Chapter 1 maps each chapter onto a critical employability skill. In each subsequent chapter, explicit examples of how OB is relevant for business functions (e.g., marketing, sales, etc.) and outcomes are provided.  MyLab® Management is not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Management is arecommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor forthe correct ISBN. Pearson MyLab Management should only be purchased whenrequired by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative formore information.  ·         17 new Case StudyAssignments, written specifically for Pearson MyLab Management for Essentials ofOrganizational Behavior, 15th Edition, challenge students tothink critically and apply course concepts as they engage in real businessscenarios. These assignments cover a variety of OB topics and come withopen-ended questions for assessment. Brand new Individual, Team, and Capstone Simulations help students master overarching course concepts like leadership, planning, motivation, and diversity. By combining key themes from multiple chapters into unique scenarios, students can better understand how OB and management concepts are related to one another. New video and podcast assignments have beenadded to each chapter. Video assignments illustrate key concepts from the textand provide important application opportunities. With podcast assignments,students listen to a highly engaging podcast and then answer questions aboutthe organizational behavior principles covered within.
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Biographical note

Stephen P. Robbins previouslyworked for the Shell Oil Company and Reynolds Metals Company and has taught atthe University of Nebraska at Omaha, Concordia University in Montreal, theUniversity of Baltimore, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, and SanDiego State University. He is currently professor emeritus in management at SanDiego State. Dr. Robbins's research interests have focused on conflict, power,and politics in organizations; behavioral decision making; and the developmentof effective interpersonal skills. His articles on these and other topics haveappeared in such journals as Business Horizons, the CaliforniaManagement Review, Business and Economic Perspectives, International Management,Management Review, Canadian Personnel and Industrial Relations, and TheJournal of Management Education. Dr. Robbins is the world's best-sellingtextbook author in the areas of management and organizational behavior. Hisbooks have sold more than 12 million copies and have been translated into 20languages. His books are currently used at more than 1,500 US colleges anduniversities, as well as hundreds of schools throughout Canada, Latin America,Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe, and the Arab World. Dr. Robbins alsoparticipates in masters' track competition. Since turning 50 in 1993, he's won23 national sprint championships and 14 world sprint titles. He was inductedinto the US Masters Track & Field Hall of Fame in 2005. A full bio isavailable at  

Timothy A. Judge isthe Joseph A. Alutto Chair in Leadership Effectiveness, and ExecutiveDirector of the Fisher Leadership Initiative, Fisher College of Business, forThe Ohio State University. In the past, Dr. Judge has been a Fellow of theCambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, and VisitingProfessor, Division of Psychology & Language Sciences, University CollegeLondon. He has held academic positions at the University of Notre Dame,University of Florida, University of Iowa, Cornell University, and CharlesUniversity in the Czech Republic. Dr. Judge's primary research interests are in(1) personality, moods, and emotions; (2) job attitudes; (3) leadership; and(4) careers. Dr. Judge has published more than 155 articles in these and othermajor topics in refereed journals. He is a fellow of several professionalsocieties, including the American Psychological Association, the Academy ofManagement, and the International Association of Applied Psychology. Among themany professional acknowledgments of his work, Dr. Judge has received theHeneman Career Achievement Award, the Mahoney Doctoral Mentoring Award, and theScholarly Achievement Award, all from the Human Resources Division of theAcademy of Management. In addition, a 2017 study identified him as the mostcited out of more than 8,000 scholars in applied psychology. Dr. Judge is aco-author of Organizational Behavior with Stephen P. Robbins,and Staffing Organizations with John Kammeyer-Mueller.Judge's primary nonwork passion revolves around rock climbing andmountaineering. He has climbed the three highest peaks in the UK and nearlyhalf of the highest peaks in the lower forty-eight states. He and his wife Jillare the parents of three children.