<p><strong>'This thought-provoking book is a major contribution to the international body of knowledge in strategic communication. Traditional rules of the game are changed by the way digital naturals gather information, build opinion, and make decisions and organisations need to understand the new power structures. Building competencies for listening to stakeholders and participating in emerging discourses on the web is a major challenge. Readers will be inspired by this research.'</strong> - Ansgar Zerfass, Professor and Chair in Strategic Communication, University of Leipzig & Editor of the <i>International Journal of Strategic Communication</i></p><p><strong>'These authors help clarify the role strategic communication plays in promoting democracy through social media. That daunting undertaking requires insightful exploration of platforms as well as examination of concepts such as relationships, democracy, social change and marketing opportunities and pitfalls. Focusing attention on digital naturals, the book ponders whether people shape social media, or social media shapes how they work and live.'</strong> - Robert L. Heath, Professor Emeritus, The University of Houston, USA</p><p><strong>'This new and exciting book, written by an international team of scholars within strategic communication, explores the changing nature of the online environment and introduces the <i>digital naturals</i>, the true citizens of the network society. Read it before your stakeholders do!'</strong> - Winni Johansen, Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark</p><p><strong>'Finally, a book that foregoes easy generalisations for judicious evaluations around specific issues. The editors and authors are enthusiastic users who are not just consistently informed but clear-eyed, sceptical and alert to new developments, current theories, and professional challenges alongside a concern for equity. It sets standards for 21st-century social media democracy - buy this collection to become a better 21st-century citizen.'</strong> - David McKie, Professor, The University of Waikato, New Zealand</p>