"Mapping the Royal Road": An Introduction to the Oxford Handbook on Religion and the American News Media, Diane Winston ; Section One: History ; 1. Religion and News in Eighteenth-Century America, David Copeland ; 2. The Penny Press and the Birth of Modern Religion Reporting, Judith M. Buddenbaum ; 3. American Journalism and Religion, 1870-1930, Richard Flory ; 4. Religion News Coverage between 1930 and 1960, Debra L. Mason ; 5. Religion in the News Since 9/11, Stewart M. Hoover ; 6. Late Night Comedy as a Source of Religion News, Lynn Schofield Clark and Jill Dierberg ; Section Two: The Media ; 7. Religion in Print Media, Doug Underwood ; 8. Religion News on the Radio, Peter Manseau ; 9. Religion in Commercial Television News, Michele Rosenthal ; 10. Religion News Online, Debra L. Mason ; Section Three: Religions ; 11. American Catholicism and the Mass-Market Newsweekly, Peter Manseau ; 12. Mainline Protestants and News Narratives, J. Terry Todd ; 13. Orthodox Judaism and the News, Nora L. Rubel ; 14. Media Representations of 'Sunbelt' Evangelicalism, Darren Dochuk ; 15. The Legend of the Assassins in News Coverage of Muslims, Karim H. Karim ; 16. News coverage of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jana Reiss ; 17. News Coverage and Popular Press Reports of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Jane Naomi Iwamura ; 18. American Press Coverage of Buddhism from the 1870s to the Present, Nick Street ; 19. Wicca in the News, Sarah M. Pike ; 20. Media Coverage of Scientology in the United States, Carole M. Cusack ; Section Four: Issues and Beats ; 21. Religion and Politics in Print, Mark Silk ; 22. Media Portrayals of the Moral Majority, John P. Bartkowski and Ashraf Alam ; 23. Evolution, Creationism and Objectivity in the Press, Lauri Lebo ; 24. Alternative Medicine in the Press, Steven Barrie-Anthony ; 25. News Coverage of Religion, Sexuality and AIDS, Diane Winston ; 26. Race and Racism in News Coverage of Religion, Marcia Alesan Dawkins ; 27. Football and Christianity in the News, Annie Blazer ; 28. The Celebrification of Religion in the Age of Infotainment, Kathryn Lofton ; Section Five: International Coverage ; 29. Latin American Religion in the News, Magali do Nascimento Cunha ; 30. American Coverage of Immigration, Islam, and Identity in the UK and the Netherlands, Elizabeth Poole ; 31. American Newspaper Coverage of Islam in the Arab World, Philip Seib ; 32. American News Coverage of Chinese Uighurs, Dalia HashadHasahd ; 33. Religion and Reporting in Africa, Anthea Butler ; Section Six: The Religious Press ; 34. The Independent Catholic Press and Vatican II, Denise P. Ferguson ; 35. The Mainline Protestant Press, Mark Hulsether ; 36. The American Jewish Press, Jonathan D. Sarna ; 37. The Evangelical Press, Ken Waters ; 38. The Muslim Press in the United States, Faiza Hirji ; 39. The African American Religious Press, John M. Giggie ; Index
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