[A] perceptive, eloquent book. Publishers Weekly Gary Cross slides through twentieth-century culture in loping, eloquent paragraphs. He gives us informed wryness--as when he observes that the patron saint of modern manhood has morphed from Cary Grant (mature) to Hugh Grant (not)--and then tells us what it means. -- Dan Zak Washington Post [A] thoughtful journey through the male-strom of modern masculinity. -- Kay Hymowitz Wall Street Journal An interesting take on the history and development of boy-men... Highly recommended. Library Journal A thought-provoking read for men and women of all walks of life. Futurist Cross contributes important lessons to gender and masculinity studies in this roller coaster ride through an intersection of biography and history... Essential. Choice [This] copiously researched, subtly argued, and lucidly written account of modern immaturity... serves as a needed hair shirt for the regressive adult. -- Christopher Benson Weekly Standard An important contribution to our understanding of major shifts in cultural values in the second half of the twentieth century. -- Lisa Jacobson H-Childhood [E]xtremely readable, informative The Family in America