Like its subject, The Media in Scotland is sprawling, erudite, and opinionated: a lucky-bag of history, statistics, insider opinion, and social analysis of the original 'pinning jelly to a wall' phenomenon. A useful toolbox for the public servant, and fun to read. -- Christopher Harvie, MSP Telling it like we see it - a unique and invaluable resource. -- Professor David McCrone, University of Edinburgh A well-signposted and accessible collection of essays complete with select bibliography and comprehensive index. -- Tim Luckhurst Times Higher Education Supplement The book brings together a broad range of expertise! and overall is a very useful collection, filling a gap that has been evident now for quite some time. Neil Blain and David Hutchison are to be congratulated on assembling such a rich array of contributions and producing such an enjoyable, wide-ranging overview of the media north of the border. European Journal of Communication Individually, the chapters provide an informed and interesting account of media histories, representations and institutions. Taken together, the volume charts crucial differences and illuminating comparisons in media practices, audiences and regulation... The scope of the volume is also its greatest strength, ensuring that the work makes for a lively, accessible and often humorous narrative. The book sets out to engage a wide variety of readers and is likely to do just that. -- Lynne Hibberd, University of Glasgow Media, Culture and Society A very welcome addition to the literature on the Scottish Media... The book is of importance to all who study the Scottish media, whether teachers at any level or just people with an interest in Scottish culture. Despite parts of it dating rapidly, there is plenty which will provide a source of references for many years to come. -- Robert Preece Media Education Journal The book successfully manages to highlight the challenges faced by all historical communities that lack a consolidated communicative space of their own. Such communities are in dire need of publications like this, in which academic thinking displaces the perspective of the mass media. -- Carme Ferre Pavia, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies Like its subject, The Media in Scotland is sprawling, erudite, and opinionated: a lucky-bag of history, statistics, insider opinion, and social analysis of the original 'pinning jelly to a wall' phenomenon. A useful toolbox for the public servant, and fun to read. Telling it like we see it - a unique and invaluable resource. A well-signposted and accessible collection of essays complete with select bibliography and comprehensive index. The book brings together a broad range of expertise! and overall is a very useful collection, filling a gap that has been evident now for quite some time. Neil Blain and David Hutchison are to be congratulated on assembling such a rich array of contributions and producing such an enjoyable, wide-ranging overview of the media north of the border. Individually, the chapters provide an informed and interesting account of media histories, representations and institutions. Taken together, the volume charts crucial differences and illuminating comparisons in media practices, audiences and regulation... The scope of the volume is also its greatest strength, ensuring that the work makes for a lively, accessible and often humorous narrative. The book sets out to engage a wide variety of readers and is likely to do just that. A very welcome addition to the literature on the Scottish Media... The book is of importance to all who study the Scottish media, whether teachers at any level or just people with an interest in Scottish culture. Despite parts of it dating rapidly, there is plenty which will provide a source of references for many years to come. The book successfully manages to highlight the challenges faced by all historical communities that lack a consolidated communicative space of their own. Such communities are in dire need of publications like this, in which academic thinking displaces the perspective of the mass media.

This book brings together academics, writers and politicians to explore the range and nature of the media in Scotland. The book includes chapters on the separate histories of the press, broadcasting and cinema, on the representation and construction of Scotland, the contemporary communications environment, and the languages used in the media. Other chapters consider television drama, soap opera, broadcast comedy, gender, the media and politics, race and ethnicity, gender, popular music, sport and new technology, the place of Gaelic, and current issues in screen fiction. The book offers a comprehensive picture of the media in Scotland and is the first to do so. It raises a number of important questions about how Scotland presents itself at home and abroad as well as analyzing questions of politics, economics and governance. Among the contributors are David Bruce, Myra Macdonald, Brian McNair, Hugh O'Donnell, Mike Russell, Philip Schlesinger and Brian Wilson.
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A comprehensive study of the media in Scotland.
Introduction FRAMING THE DISCUSSION 1 Neil Blain and Kathryn Burnett: An unwon cause: the struggle to represent Scotland 2 John Corbett: Scots, English and Community languages in the media 3 Philip Schlesinger: Communications policy THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT 4 David Hutchison: The history of the press 5 David Bruce: The history of film and cinema 6 Maggie Sweeney: Broadcasting: from birth to devolution and beyond SCREEN AND SOUND 7 John R. Cook: Three ring circus: television drama and for Scotland 8 Hugh O'Donnell: 'Nae bevvying, nae skiving': language and community in the Scottish soap opera 9 Ian Mowatt: Broadcast comedy 10 Sarah Neely: Contemporary Scottish cinema 11 Ken Garner: Radio and popular music THEMES AND FUTURES 12 Jane Sillars and Myra Macdonald: Gender, spaces, changes: emergent identities in a Scotland in transition 13 Anthea Irwin: Race and ethnicity in the media 14 Mike Cormack: Gaelic, the media and Scotland 15 Brian McNair: The Scottish media and politics 16 Brian Wilson: A view from Westminster 17 Michael Russell: A view from Holyrood 18 Richard Haynes and Raymond Boyle: Media sport Select Bibliography Notes on Contributors
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Edinburgh University Press
505 gr
234 mm
156 mm
UU, 05
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Antall sider

Biographical note

Neil Blain is Professor of Media and Culture and Head of Department of Film & Media Studies at the University of Stirling. David Hutchison is Research Fellow in Media Policy at Glasgow Caledonian University.