“That being the case, the authors’ primary recommendation is for media literacy to assume an increased role in school curricula worldwide. As Hoechsmann and Poyntz demonstrate, media practice is sufficiently academic and promotes critical citizenship, agency and empowerment – qualities that all teachers are sure to agree are highly laudable educational outcomes.” (Pedagogies: An International Journal, 24 May 2012)
Biographical note
Michael Hoechsmann is Associate Professor and Chair of Education Programs at Lakehead University, Orillia. He is co-author of Reading Youth Writing: ‘New' Literacies, Cultural Studies and Education (2008), and the former Director of Education of Young People's Press, a youth-oriented non-profit news service.Stuart Poyntz is Assistant Professor in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University, and the former Director of Education at Pacific Cinémathèque, Western Canada's leading film institute. He has published articles in the Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, Sociology Compass, the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, the Canadian Journal of Education, Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, and various edited collections.