<i>‘Charlie Karlsson and Robert G. Picard have edited an impressive volume that addresses the efficacy and impact of media clusters on economic and regional development and on creativity and output of media products. Its focus on media clusters not only advances our understanding of the specific spatial and organizational dynamics of the media as compared to other industries, but also our understanding of the wide variety of media clusters characteristics, policies, and histories. . . All contributions are well written, and each makes a unique contribution to the overall theme of the book. They can be separate, stand-alone pieces, however they also build on each other, creating a captivating flow of information and analysis that makes the whole book a pleasure to read. . . This edited volume makes very important contributions to the academic literature of regional economic development and media clusters in particular. The book is relevant to scholars, students, media professionals, and policymakers. And while it is especially geared towards people interested in media clusters, it also offers interesting questions and information for anyone researching and learning about regional clusters in general and cultural industries clusters in particular.’ </i>
- Doreen Jakob, Journal of Regional Science,