Biographical note
Sandra Diehl is Associate Professor at the Department for Media and Communication at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria. She received her PhD and her habilitation in Business Administration from the Saarland University in Germany. Her research interests include media and convergence management, international and intercultural advertising, CSR and health communication. Sandra Diehl has published in such journals as the International Journal of Advertising, Advances in International Marketing, Advances in Consumer Research, International Marketing Review and European Advances in Consumer Research. She has authored and edited several books, among them “Advances in Advertising Research”. She is board member of the European Advertising Academy.
Matthias Karmasin, PhD, Univ. Prof. is full professor and chair for media and communications sciences at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt. He is corresponding member of the philosophic-historic class of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He is an expert for media accountability and he has published extensively on media ethics and media management, political communication, communication theory and media practice. Karmasin has developed the media stakeholders’ theory. Recently, he has published an empirical study about the Austrian media and their managers. His professional experiences include business consultancy as co-founder of Medienhaus Wien ( as well as several stations abroad.