Biographical note
El Bhiri Brahim is a professor of telecommunication and embedded systems at the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences (EMSI: Ecole Marocaine des Sciences de l’Ingenieur). He is the director of R&D&I at the same school and the head of SMARTiLab Laboratory of Research, Development, and Innovation. He has over 12 years of experience in the field of electronics, wireless sensor networks, data processing, and embedded system. He has published more than thirty papers in international scientific journals and international conferences. He is an author of 5 books and 22 book chapters, published by leading international publishers like Springer. He has received a number of awards, one of them a best paper award from Italy at the seventh SENSORCOMM’2013 International Conference. In addition, he is a co-editor of three SI published by a very known publisher.