This handy collection of 79 essays... should be most helpful as a reference guide for newcomers to film studies, but advanced scholars will also benefit from the historical analyses and interpretations of film texts. Highly recommended. Choice Rollins's reference allows readers to appreciate films in context, enhancing the experience. Film buffs will find the mix of history and cinematic analysis captivating, while historians will be intrigued by the book's analysis of popular culture.Publishers Weekly Publishers Weekly This work flows well and would make a wonderful addition to any YA collection. It would benefit students interested in film production, history, or political's just plain fun to thumb through. -- John Keifman School Library Journal It provides a solid introduction to many of the major themes of American history on film, and students will undoubtedly find it a very useful source. -- Michael Paris Screening the Past This is an excellent print source. This Columbia Companion that Rollins has crafted is highly recommended. -- Jim Agee American Reference Books Annual Rollins' book truly deserves to be called a standard work... Not only is The Columbia Companion to American History on Film a must-read for students and scholars of film studies but also in other fields like history, English, or American studies. Literatur in Wissencraft und Unterricht The Columbia Companion to American History on Film is yet another impressive volume on film and history edited by Peter C. Rollins. -- Leen Engelen Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television [Rollins] is to be praised for his splendid accomplishment, and each reader of the essays will congratulate himself or herself for having found the collection.Journal of American Culture -- Ray B. Browne Journal of American Culture Offers a wealth of significant material that is extremely informative and entertaining for film scholars, teachers, and film buffs alike. -- Carol E. Mitchell Journal of Popular Culture The useful background information will greatly enhance one's view of historical movies. -- Paul Milner FGS Forum