'[T]his is a significant corpus of works pertaining to the encounter between China and America in general and their cultural power play in particular. The strength of such an anthology is its scope, offering readers a wide ranging perspective on the subject at hand. On this account, The Power of Culture: Encounters between China and the United States is a good resource for students as well as scholars researching on the Sino-US relationship and their soft power contestation specifically. [...] [T]his title remains, all in all, a body of commendable scholarship and a valuable contribution to the existing literature.'Peter T.C. ChangInstitute of China Studies, University of MalayaInternational Journal of China Studies, 7:3 (2016)'In this fascinating and entirely original collection, a wide variety of international scholars show how crucial historical and cultural factors have been – and continue to be – in framing American understanding of China, and indeed Chinese perceptions of the United States. Policy-makers and scholars alike will not only learn much from reading this fine book, but will also be able to understand why the relationship is bound to remain a complicated and no doubt difficult one well into the 21st century. A major contribution to the field of International Relations and International History.'Professor Michael CoxDirector, LSE IDEAS'Many of these essays, in articulating the Chinese scholarly view of America, help to deepen the non-Chinese reader's awareness of the historical lens and current perspective of Chinese academics and government leaders. At the same time, they remind us how frequently and un-self-consciously political analysts attribute to other countries and cultures a set of characteristics that are shared by most major world powers, especially the conviction that our values and geopolitical needs trump those of others, requiring constant vigilance in resisting those outside our borders. [...] The impact of the American Studies Network and its annual conferences shines thru in the essays by younger scholars with important new perspectives to share. Roberts has done them and the field of American Studies in China a great service in editing this fascinating collection of essays.'Peggy BlumenthalSenior Counselor to the President of the Institute of International Education; Chair of the Board of JCIE-USA (Japan Center for International Exchange)H-Diplo Essay No. 145 (20.12.2016)