<p>"The strength of the collection is that it includes work from a range of disciplines, bringing together media studies perspectives (like Bennett’s on celebrity) and sociological perspectives (like Sinclair and Hagen’s use of subcultural theory). There is also a good mix of fandom sites (e.g., music, sports, television) and global and digital locales, as well as mixture of theoretical and empirically based chapters."<br /><strong>Rosemary Lucy Hill,</strong> <em>University of Leeds</em></p><p>"The book shows why fan commitments and fan labour give a sense of worth, purpose and achievement, while fans themselves continue to abide as a powerless elite. It presents some fascinating empirical work, displays a good deal of expertise and brings established and emergent scholars together between two covers."<br /><strong>Michael Pickering,</strong> <em>Loughborough University</em></p>