Webometric Analysis of Major Multidisciplinary Libraries’ Websites Under the Delhi University Library System.- Webometric Analysis of Higher Education Institutions in Punjab.- Indigenous Knowledge and Digital Libraries: a case of changing contexts and curiosities.- Effective use of academic libraries: A case study of Gargi College Library, University of Delhi, India.- How the Multilingual Collections Demand Attention in Academic Libraries: Few Obsevations.- Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries.- Use of Smartphone Applications and Environmental Related Services at Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Himachal Pradesh, Solan: An Overview.- Open Educational Resources and Its Impact on Research in Higher Education Institutes: A Study of the Top-Ranking Universities of Maharashtra.- Accessing Indian Historical Pictorial Collection in Digital Era: A Case Study of Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.- Perception and Usage of Open Electronic Resources Among the Research Scholars: A Prospect in the Digital Era.- Relevance of Libraries in Underpinning Dismissal Performance of Indian Universities’ in the Global Ranking System: Rationale and Outline.- Role of Academic Libraries in Digital Literacy Transformation .- Standard-driven bibliographic data cleansing framework for ILMS data migration.- Perspectives of faculty members of the central university of North India on INFLIBNET’s initiatives.- Visualizing the Research Output of the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi with Special Reference to the Scopus Database: A Scientometric Study.- Existence and Significance of Information E Resources in the Digital Era.- Data Mining and Analysis of Students Academic Credits Progress in Post Degree Improvement Exams-A Case Study of the University of Delhi.- Data Visualization and Research Metrics: The Pragmatic Approach.- ICTs Adoption in Library and its Imposingness: A Case Study in Tribal Academic Community of Madhya Pradesh .- Theorizing Plagiarism in the Light of Digital Information: The Dilemmas and Possible Solutions.- Open Access Research Publication in Top Five Countries.- Information Seeking Behaviour of the Library Users of National Institute of Technology, Agartala in the Digital Environment: A Study..- Awareness and perception about research dissemination practices among Faculties of central universities in India.- Visualization of Research Landscape of the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam.- The Contribution of Funding Agencies to Open Access Research Publications in Central Universities of India ranked in NIRF 2022: a comparative study.- Social networking tools, a need of hour at DULS: a proposed model for NEP2.0.- Mapping of Political Science Research in India: A Bibliometrics Study (2003-2022).- A systematic review on the Information Literacy research of Asian Countries: A computational study.- Visualising knowledge, research hotspots and trends of literacy studies in the context of library, 1969-2021.- Influence of academic library outcome on social capital: A case study.- Reading Habits of Students of a School in South Kolkata in the Information Era.- Empowering staff towards professional leadership and development in meeting the challenges of academic libraries in Goa State..- Analysis of Web-Based Services in Indian Medical Libraries Through Websites: A Study of Selected ICMR Libraries.- Innovations in Information Services and QR Code Technology in Academic Libraries: A Case Study.- Professional Competencies of Select Academic Librarians in Laguna, Philippines: A Preliminary Study.- Library Security in Changing Environment: An Overview.- Design of an Evaluation Framework for Content Analysis of Academic Library Portals.- Smart Phone Usage Pattern by The Engineering College Faculty and Students in Hyderabad: Telangana.- Utilization and awareness of information resources with special reference to open access resources among library users of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, an Indian educational institution College, Bengaluru, Karnataka: An Analytical Study.- A Study on Social Awareness Status on COVID-19 Represented in Government Websites of India, U.K. and U.S.A..- Medical Libraries in the Era of Open Science.- Democratic Use Of Library Resources: Access, Equity And Availability.- IndianSignLanguageDigitalLibraryonMedical Science: Role of Assistive Technology for Hearing Impaired.- Research Support Services in Libraries: A Survey of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee.- Sustainability of LibrariesThrough Social Media Marketing.- Research Productivity of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra During 2012-2022 in Relationship With NIRF Ranking.- Digital information literacy skills among the college students of Assam: A study.- Exploration of ChatGPT Technology toTransform Academic Library Services.- Model Open Access Policy in CurrentScenario.- A Case Studyon the Practices of Research Data Managementby the Researchers of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati.- Citation Analysis of Old Documents Cited in the Doctoral Theses Submitted to the three Universities of Punjab and Chandigarh in Economics.
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