"Now in their second editions, these companion volumes are examples of titles that make our work so much easier. Using standard review sources and bibliographies as well as author, publisher, bookseller, and library websites, the authors have identified nearly 2,200 in-print series' appropriate for K–6 readers and an equal number of series' (including manga, Cine-Manga, and illustrated novels) that will appeal to readers in grades 6–12. Entries are arranged by the series title and contain author, most recent publisher, grade level, notation for availability of accelerated-reader resources, genre, a descriptive three- to five-sentence annotation, and a list of individual titles in the series, arranged by publication date. Following the entries are author, title, and genre/subject indexes as well as appendixes that list books for boys, girls, and
reluctant readers. There is little overlap between the two volumes, which are essential as reference and selection tools in all school, public, and academic libraries."
"Reviewed with Popular Series Fiction for Middle School and Teen Readers" - <i>Booklist</i>
"This book provides the evidence for what publishers obviously already know about series books. Kids love them. . . . Give in. There are worse things than the series-addicted life. Bottom line: Recommended." - <i>Teacher Librarian</i>
"For K–6 librarians and others working with preschool and elementary students, this guide annotates popular series fiction books, listing them in alphabetical order by series title. Annotations describe the series’ appeal, important characters, plots, themes, and issues, and list the publisher, grade level, genre, author, accelerated reader resources, related materials, and titles in the series. Books were culled from review sources, reference compilations, online sources, bookselling and series sites, and other library sites, with priority given to new series and books in print. Thomas, an elementary school librarian, and Barr, an editor, include 700 more entries for this edition. Indexes are by title, author, and
genre/subject. Appendices list books of special interest to boys, girls, reluctant readers, and students of English as a second language." - <i>Reference & Research Book News</i>
"This edition contains almost 2,200 entries, about 700 more than the first edition. . . . This reference source is very helpful for collection development, weeding, and readers' advisory." - <i>School Library Journal</i>
"Since it is difficult to quickly and accurately track down all the titles in a series in their proper order and because books in series' are so deeply enjoyable, this book should be a boon to a whole range of librarians and readers and it is recommended for all public libraries and academic libraries supporting an education curriculum." - <i>ARBA</i>
Biographical note
Rebecca L. Thomas is an elementary school librarian, Shaker Heights City Schools, Ohio. She is the author of numerous reference books, including Across Cultures (Libraries Unlimited, 2007) and the recent supplement to the 7th edition of A to Zoo (Libraries Unlimited, 2008).
Catherine Barr is editor of the Libraries Unlimited Children's and Young Adult Literature Reference series and author or coauthor of other Libraries Unlmited titles including High/Low Handbook and the Best Books series (Best Books for Children, Best Books for Middle School and Junior High Readers, Best Books for High School Readers, and Best New Media).