Biographical note
Dan Wu (Ph.D) is a Professor at Wuhan University, China. Her research interests include information retrieval, information behavior, and human-computer interaction. One of her most important publications is Mobile Search Behaviors: An In-depth Analysis based on Contexts, APPs and Devices, published by Morgan & Claypool.
Jing Dong (Ph.D) is an assistant professor at the School of Information Management, Central China Normal University. She obtained her Ph.D degree in Information Science at Wuhan University. She was a visiting scholar at the University of Pittsburgh. She is interested in research areas of information-seeking behavior and human–computer interaction. She has published over 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals, such as Information Processing & Management and Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, and conference proceedings such as SIGIR and iConference.
Shaobo Liang is an assistant professor at the School of Information Management at Wuhan University. His research interests lie in understanding user information-seeking behavior, mobile search behavior, and cross-device search. He has published over 20 papers in academic journals and conferences.