'This is a particularly innovative book on international marketing focusing on original thought and stimulating ideas. Such high goals are achieved through a deliberate mix of research and practical orientated chapters, including appropriately (for the new global landscape) two chapters each on pricing and branding. Other topics are given a new twist: emphasising country of design rather than manufacture; international marketing communications when the consumer is control; impact of export orientation on business drivers like cash flow. Overall, well done and congratulations.' - Professor Bill Merrilees, Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Australia 'This is a wide-ranging and timely book that covers all the major marketing issues from pricing to distribution, and advertising to branding. Moreover, the authors inject two crucial elements into their discussion of these topics: their strategic relevance and their international import. As such, the book will appeal to a range of readers across a range of geographies and sectors.' - Professor Jaideep Prabhu, University of Cambridge, UK 'This is an inspiring book in which the authors have treated the subject matter in a novel manner, non mainstream yet relevant and up-to-date. The combination of new research results with more managerially-oriented chapters and newly emerging problems of international marketing provides fresh insights into the subject matter. A book worth reading by students as well as academics and managers.' - Professor Hans Muhlbacher, University of Innsbruck, Austria 'The book edited by Profs T.C. Melewar and Suraksha Gupta is an original text because global environment and branding issues as crucial elements of the 21st century marketing strategy are given a dominant position and interaction with all elements of marketing-mix. The book will be useful to practitioners and students alike.' - Professor Cedomir Nestorovic, ESSEC Paris, France