Biographical note
Mario Biggeri is Associate Professor in Development Economics at the Department of Economics and Management of University of Florence, and Scientific Director of ARCO (Action Research for CO-development) research center, Italy.
Enrico Testi did his PhD in Economics at the University of Florence on Enabling Eco-systems for Social Enterprises. Since 2009, he has been the executive director of ARCO (Action Research for CO-development) research centre, Italy. Since 2011, he has been director of the Yunus Social Business Centre at the University of Florence.
Marco Bellucci is Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Accounting at the University of Florence, Italy. His research interests include corporate social responsibility, sustainability reporting, third-sector organizations, and social enterprises.
Roel During is coordinator of the Social Innovation for Value Creation Programme of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. Although educated as a biologist, much of his work is dedicated to social and governance studies.
H. Thomas R. Persson is Associate Professor at the Department of Work Science and the Director of the Research Platform of Business Collaboration of Kristianstad University, Sweden. His research interests include governance, social responsibility, and social enterprises.