Introduction. Acknowledgements. Part One: an introduction to using systems ideas. Systems ideas. Overview of objectives. Introduction; What is a system? Structures and processes; System environment; Hierarchy and resolution; Prediction and control; Emerging properties; System ownership; Types of system; World view; Summary; Suggested answers to exercises. Developing Systems thinking. Overview of objectives. Introduction; Diagramming techniques: Organization charts. System maps. Spray diagrams. Influence and casual diagrams. Flow Charts. Decision sequence diagrams. Flow block diagrams; Event flow diagrams. Data flow diagrams. Preparatory description of the system: Awareness/consciousness. Commitments. Testing. Separation. Selection. Summary; Suggested answers to exercises. Introduction to hard systems. Overview of the objectives. Introduction; Engineered systems; Natural systems; Abstract systems; Quantification; The nature of problems; Analyst/client relationship; Hard systems analysis; Tech-abs publications - a mini case study; Different systems methods; Summary; Suggested answers to exercises. Introduction to soft systems. Overview of objectives. Introduction; The nature of soft systems; Lucrative publications -a mini case study; The unstructured problem situation; Signs and symptoms of organizational distress. Beginning your analysis - the 'rich' picture: Building up a rich picture. Sources of rich pictures. Hints on interviewing technique. The analyst's role; Soft systems analysis; Issues and tasks; From analysis to systematic thinking; Relevant systems and root definitions; Conceptual models; Comparing What might be' with What is; Discussing the agenda; Action for change; Summary; Suggested answers to exercises. Introduction to systems failures. Overview of objectives. Introduction; what is a failure?; Implications of systems failures; Comparative models; The formal system model; The control model: Characteristics of control. Engineering and other controls. Communication models; Human-human communication. Human-machine communication. Machine-made communication. Engineering reliability models: Measures of reliability. Outcomes of component failure. Technical failure categories. Fault trees. Cascade models. Common mode. Failure modes and effects analysis. Human factors models: Ergonomic models. Stress. Motivation. Organizational culture. Power relations. Analyzing systems failures; Summary; Suggested answers to exercises. Part Two: Three systems methods. Introduction to part two. Hard systems analysis. Overview of objectives. Introduction; Hard systems revisited: Approaches to problems. Complex problems. Need for systematic intervention. Step 1 - groundwork; Step 2 - awareness and understanding: Air traffic control - a mini case study. Step three - objectives and constraints: Information technology in further education - a mini case study. Step four - strategies. Step five - measured to assess achievement. Step 6 - modelling. Step 7 - Evaluation. Step Eight - making a choice. Step nine - implementation. Summary; Suggested answers to exercises Hard systems case studies. Overview of objectives. Introduction; Step one - data collection; Step Two - analysis: Problems in the health service - a mini case study. Step three - relevant systems and root definitions: Lucrative publications - a mini case study. Step four - conceptual modelling: Testing conceptual models. Step five - comparison to provide agenda for debate; Step six - discussing the agenda with actors; Step seven - action for change; Summary; Suggested answers to exercises. Soft systems case studies. Overview of objectives. Introduction; Northwich Training Materials Unit - a study of a project in crisis; Metropolitan Health Authority - a study of responses to NHS reforms; Summary. Analyzing systems failures. Overview of objectives. Introduction; Analysis of systems failures; Stage one - describing the failure situation: Air traffic control - a mini case study. Detailed systems description; Stage two - comparison with models; Stage three - what do comparisons mean?; Stage four - learning; Summary; Suggested answers to exercises. Systems failures case studies. Overview of objectives. Introduction; Daleside Development Group - a study of failure of system-built housing projects; Case study objectives; Data collection; Analysis The Littlebrook D hoist failure - a study of safety management failure; Analysis; Potential continuation of case studies; Selected references; Summary. How to pick and mix. Overview of objectives. Introduction; Assessing your tasks; Selecting a method; Switching methods; Summary. Developing your systems skills. Overview of objectives. Introduction; Systems thinking in your work; Practical books; Authoritative texts; Journals and periodicals; Learned bodies; Courses; Conferences and seminars. Explanation of terms. Alphabetical index.