Biographical note
Felix Wortmann is Professor, Senior Lecturer, and Vice Director at the Institute of Technology Management of the University of St. Gallen (HSG). Moreover, he is the Scientific Director of the Bosch IoT Lab, a collaboration between HSG, ETH Zurich and the Bosch Group.
Sven Jung has worked on platform business models at the Bosch IoT Lab for more than 3.5 years and currently works in innovation and strategy for the Bosch Group. He holds a PhD from the University of St. Gallen and was a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University.
Oliver Gassmann is Full Professor at the University of St. Gallen, Director of its Institute of Technology Management (ITEM) and a thought leader in the field of innovation. His book The Business Model Navigator became a global bestseller and he has founded several spin-off companies and is acting in various boards of international companies and institutions. Gassmann has been recognized as one of the most active innovation scholars (IAMOT), as one of the leading economists of Germany (FAZ).