<i>‘The fifteen chapters included in this posthumous collection of the most recent contributions of John H. Dunning - the most influential scholar in international business - cover a wide area of relevant issues. This volume not only presents an updated intellectual legacy of Professor Dunning’s earlier pathbreaking and extensive work, but also provides a useful roadmap for future research in the many interdisciplinary dimensions of international business. This is why the volume should be obligatory reading to academics and practitioners in international business and management, as well as in economic geography, business history, political economy, social relations, international law and international economics.’</i>
- Daniël Van Den Bulcke, University of Antwerp, Belgium and former Chair of the European International Business Academy,
<i>‘Throughout his career, John Dunning was an innovator and a deep and practical thinker on international business. This collection of his later work is no exception to the excellence of his contribution to the field of international business. John was constantly looking for new challenges in his research and these contributions once more move the field forward. International business has lost a major thinker, but we can be consoled by the continuing excellence of John Dunning’s contributions.’</i>
- Peter J. Buckley, OBE, University of Leeds, UK,
<i>‘John Dunning has been one of those rare scholars who are not only an expert on their topic, but integrate a wide range of contemporary scholarship to provide an eclectic perspective of the field as a whole. This book brings together some of his most significant contributions over the past decade. Extending his well known work on the theory of the MNE, he is exploring the role of institutions in shaping MNE activity, and the moral foundations of capitalism.’</i>
- Klaus Meyer, University of Bath, UK,
<i>‘This book consists of 15 essays written by John Dunning in the first ten years of this century. Like his earlier writings, these always provide insights and pertinent analysis to take forward the basic conversation of the field of international business. Indeed, Dunning takes us “back to the future” with this, his final, book.’</i>
- Alan M. Rugman, University of Reading, UK,