1. WHAT IS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT? Factors Influencing the Introduction of Performance Management. Perspectives on Performance Management. Performance Management: Some Underlying Themes. Performance Management in Practice: Survey Evidence. A Concluding Comment: Does Performance Management Exist? 2. THE ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT I: VISION, MISSION AND STRATEGY. Vision, Mission and Strategy. Values. The Organization?s Distinctive Features. Stakeholders. A Concluding Comment. 3. THE ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT II: PERFORMANCE Productivity. From Productivity to Performance. Organizational Performance: A Multidimensional Concept. Performance Measurement. A Concluding Comment. 4. INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE I: OUTPUTS AND RESULTS. Expressing Performance Requirements: What Happens in Practice? Performance as Output: Some Definitions. Defining Performance by Setting Goals. A Concluding Comment. 5. INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE II: BEHAVIOUR AND COMPETENCIES Performance is Behaviour, but is All Behaviour Performance? Competences and Competencies. Expressing Performance Requirements as Behaviours. A Concluding Comment. 6. INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE III: DETERMINANTS. A Theory of Performance as Behaviour. Job Context as a Determinant of Performance. A Concluding Comment. 7. REVIEWING AND SUPPORTING PERFORMANCE. The Role of the Line Manager. Performance Review. Feedback. A Concluding Comment. 8. REWARDING PERFORMANCE. Performance-Related Pay. Fairness in Performance Management. Rewards Other than Pay. A Concluding Comment. 9. DEVELOPING AND DESIGNING PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT. Introducing Performance Management: Evolution and Iteration. A Concluding Comment. 10. IMPLEMENTING AND MANAGING PEFORMANCE MANAGEMENT. Experimenting with Implementation. Communication. Does Performance Management Work? Monitoring Performance Management Systems. The Impact of Performance Management on Line Managers and Employees. A Concluding Comment. References. Index.