<i>‘Throughout the world, technological innovation is often viewed as a magic wand that governments, university, industry, and nongovernmental organizations hope will lead to societal and economic impact. Yet understanding the process that will lead to optimal impact is a continuing challenge. In </i>Managing Emerging Technologies for Socio-Economic Impact,<i>the editors bring together scholars from several related fields in the hope of making sense of it all. . . . this book provides an interesting overview of the state of knowledge in the field and emphasizes the need for more interaction of industry, government, and business policy-makers with academics to both identify key questions they have and to test the utility of current analyses.’</i>
- Deborah D. Stine, Science and Public Policy,
‘Managing Emerging Technologies for Socio-Economic Impact <i>is an important contribution to both the literature and practice of managing emerging technology. Importantly, this book not only considers the economic impact but also the wider societal impact and benefit. It is recommended reading for all those who aspire to steward emergent technologies into reality.’</i>
- Martin Curley, Vice President, Director, Intel Labs Europe, Intel Corporation,
<i>‘This book offers a series of fascinating studies about the emergence of new technologies in different eco-systems of university-industry-government relations.’</i>
- Loet Leydesdorff, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
<i>‘The chapters in this exciting new book explore the ways in which new technologies emerge, develop and are then commercialized. The chapters, many of which are by exciting young European scholars, are both theoretically and empirically sophisticated. If the reader is interested in how emerging technologies create socio-economic impact, this book will provide them with unique new insights. I recommend the book to all readers’</i>
- Martin Kenney, University of California, Davis, US,