<p>Winner of the ‘Practical Manager' category at the Chartered ManagementInstitute Management Book of the YearAwards.</p> <p> </p> <p>Rebecca Taylor, the Dean and Director of Studies atthe Open University Business School, explained why the bookdeserved to win:</p> <p>“Thisbook was a delight to read and was a highly refreshing approach to the world ofmanagement. The ‘big' ideas have been boiled down into easily-digestible chunksthat are perfect either as an introduction or a refresher for the moreexperienced manager. The personal writing style and lack of preaching makes ita brilliant desk-side companion for a manager of any level, and I highlyrecommend it.”</p> <p> </p> <p>‘I'll make sure that every manager in our pharmacyoutlets gets a copy of this book.'</p> <p>Manjit Jhooty,Managing Director, Jhoots Pharmacy</p> <p> </p> <p>‘Every manager should read this book.'</p> <p>GeoffRound, Chief Executive, Birmingham Civic Housing Association Ltd</p>
Biographical note
James McGrath worked as an accountant and senior manager in industry, local government and as a self-employed management consultant before becoming Course Director for the MA in Education and Professional Development at the City of Birmingham University.
Dr. Bob Bates worked in the Civil Service for many years as a senior manager before becoming a Senior Lecturer at Birmingham City University in 1997. Throughout his career he has worked extensively with SMEs specialising in staff and management development.