<i>'Would it be possible to become entrepreneurial in one week? The editors and contributors of this book, all greatly experienced in designing and delivering entrepreneurship courses believe so. To convince the readers, they present and describe pedagogical activities such as week-long courses, camps and summer schools in a wide diversity of settings and contexts, showing the mechanisms by which students develop entrepreneurial ideas and initiatives. A more than needed book for those interested in learning from best practices in entrepreneurship education.'</i><br /> --Alain Fayolle, EMLYON Business School, France<p><i>'Entrepreneurship education, like higher education, requires disruption and new approaches to content delivery and learning. This book represents a way to help students learn in quick chunks rather than over an archaic period of time we know as a semester. This book is an important step in a right direction.'</i><br /> --Heidi M. Neck, Babson College, US</p>